May 26, 2023 @ 10:00 pm - May 27, 2023 @ 6:00 am
- Report time is Friday, May 26th 10pm – 11pm NO ENTRY AFTER 11PM. Event ends at 6am.
- This is an all-night event. Re-entry is prohibited. Attendees must be present to receive prizes
- This event is for Cocoa Beach High School Graduating Seniors ONLY. All others will be denied entry at the door.
- Come have fun! We will have a DJ, a Casino, Karaoke, movies, bounce houses, hypnotist show, fortune teller, tattoo artists, candy bar, prizes and other activities such as ping pong tables, foosball and more!
- Beverages will be provided. Water bottles, yetis, thermoses, etc., are not allowed. Bags and pockets will be subject to search upon check in time.
Click Here for the Project Graduation Waiver Form